Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Seems to love but only in the day time
When things are easily visible in the daylight
Runs away when I am mourning
And tries to come back when there’s joy.....


I get it,
Joy comes in the morning.
Why stick around ‘til the sun goes down?
If you know what’s coming?…
If it rains a little bit, you’re already drowning.
Just not fit for the job, I guess
Or maybe you just don't want to clean up a mess
A mess you didn't make
Solving issues you didn't create
Glueing parts together that you didn't break.
I get it.
Dodge the opportunity of making a mistake
Or stick around and wait,
It’s a chance we have to choose to take,
Or not......
Being alone is an option.
It sure makes you have great instagram captions.
That's all people care about anyway.
A happy soul posts pictures of food, and bridges, and maybe flowers,
A sad soul posts pictures of black screens with the late hours
Always with a certain time.
Always writing from their heart
things that don't need to rhyme
Because it just makes sense
And it talks to the deepest parts of the soul
We learn something we didn't know
We read things we don't comprehend.
They pour out words that only their hearts can understand
The truth of a sad soul is that it always smiles in the light.
Being the light
For others,
Other than themselves.
Internally bleeding like nobody else
Making light
Of other’s problems
Making them feel like they can get through their worries
While all along having their own set of stories.
Walking around feeling sorry. Saying sorries.


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Broken Road

There is a song that says, "God bless the broken road, that led me straight to you."
In that broken road, next to me, I've only had a few
Sometimes the roads we take aren't the ones people agree with. 
But what if that road is the one that makes you happy?
I know, I already lost some of you in saying that
Because, yeah, you're right, what if that road is a bad one?
What if, what if, what if... 
After all the things I've been through, and all the what ifs I have been worried about
I just long to be happy now. 
I have tried so many things to reach the same conclusion. 
Everytime I thought I reached happiness
It was just all an illusion.
I've believed in things that were of a higher power, 
Like Rapunzel, stripped from the world and reality, in a secluded high tower.
Now this road is the hardest I have faced
I can see the judgment on their face  
But when I am on that road, it's just me and the few
that chose to stick with me even though they knew
it might not have been the right road, 
but atleast I met you. 
So, God bless the broken road, that led me straight to you. 
You, as in the people that now have my back 
The ones that go to hell and back for me, I will give heaven on earth
Or so that's what I heard. 
You say forget what they say, you're a part of us now. 
Now, that's family. 
Loving unconditonally. 
Supporting, like usually. 
Forget everybody else, that's all I need. 
That's family. 
More than just a word, those are the ones who stick with me
Even if the same blood doesn't run through our body
That's still family. 
Now I know who is with me, and there's only a few. 
So God Bless the broken road, that led me staight to you. 

-Jaqueline Herrera

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