Monday, April 24, 2017

Feeling Motivated

Man. Sometimes I feel like giving up..
This life is hard.
Especially alone.
And although there are many around me,
sometimes I feel like they're all a blur.
I have dreams, visions, goals and I want to reach them all.
But I have obstacles in the way, like we all do at some point.
And I just keep telling myself that if I keep working hard at what I want, I'm going to achieve it.
I feel like I have wasted years in the wrong things.
My talents have been overlooked and just put away
In a world where singing, playing the piano, and playing the organ and being the daughter of the person who runs things is more important
Than the person who can do photography, write poetry, play volleyball, draw, paint, and be uplifting to others.
Because what are those things good for and how is that beneficial in a service? Right?
But I'm not giving up. I've been compared to other people all my life.
Others have been chosen for things instead of me, for the past 6 years and who knows how much longer.
But I don't believe that I'm not good enough anymore.
I believe that I am.
I believe that I will be something great.
If I just keep going even if I am falling forward.
And never looking back at what could've been, but looking back and saying wow,
look at me now.
Building a life so that when I have a family we won't have to struggle and wonder
Will we have enough for rent?
Will we have enough for food?
Will we have enough???
I’m going to make all my parent’s sacrifice worth it.
And even if I never get an, “I'm proud of you daughter.”
I’ll be proud of myself.
And I'll make sure my family is well.
My parents didn't sacrifice everything for us to do nothing .
We will make this American Dream happen.

~ Jaqueline Herrera

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