Friday, August 17, 2018

Happy Friday

It's been a looong time since I have posted.

But I just want to say how grateful I am to be alive. I almost died this year and it is a true blessing to be given a second chance at life. I don't know what I could've done to deserve a second chance but I just know that I have a purpose and a duty in this life. I am trying to figure out fully what it is.

I think it is so important to live life to the fullest. The reason why I haven't posted much this year is because I have been doing just that. I have been living life to the fullest and I am not so worried about documenting it. Although, please check out my instagram for some pictures of places I have been.

Life can be taken at a blink of an eye.
and you can have everything one moment and be stripped from it all in just seconds.

Don't be scared to be yourself in public, although people may look at you funny.
Don't be scared to love.
Don't be scared to laugh out loud with all you've got.
Just Enjoy Life.

Make your own happy... make your own rainbow.. make your own storms!

Don't be scared.... to be scared.
and do the things that scare you the most, those are the best....

Your breath can be taken at the sigh of sadness
Your breath can be given to you with a bit of laughter.

You decide..


Thursday, August 16, 2018

He Tells The Ocean Where To Stop

Surf boards in the crystal waters of the hawaiian islands,
Nothing better than to lay down as you let the waves guide you
Stroking the water to get as far away from the land as possible.
The waves seem to be so rough when you’re so close to land still
But the further out you get, the waves become more stand still
Fight your way through the  hard waves of the shore
Your arms will get weak but they’ll become strong enough to keep you paddling more
Battling more.
It’ll seem like the waves keep pushing you back as you keep pushing forwards,
And you struggle to keep going as your strength and willingness lowers
But inside you lives an ocean in itself.
The power of those waves are inside you as well
And although it seems like they’re crashing against you
Crushing inside you,
Just crushing you…
There’s a power in you that holds the world in their hand.
So let the waves crash from within, it’s okay.
Let little drops of the ocean come out from where they want to stay.
Let the salty drops of ocean run down those sandy cheeks,
Because although you are strong, the power of life sometimes makes us weak.
Salty waters weakens you, they say..
But once it has taken over it has the power to take over the world in every way.
I know you are paddling hard right now
Against all currents I see.
Trying to escape where you are currently.
You’ve gone under because a wave caught you off guard.
Now you’re underwater trying to swim up
Through the pressure of water from up above.
Where you figure strength is supposed to come from.
And it does.
Just swim through the water,
breaking it with your hands alone..
Because after all, I know you can reach the man on the throne.
He who has a purpose and a reason for the currents
He who tells the ocean where to stop.
So the ocean drops WILL drop, til they stop
So just know…..
and I know you know..
Reach up, breaking waves
Even when all hope fades.

Dedicated to my Anie, Francine Curry. My ohana. & To her loving father

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