Tuesday, November 14, 2017


First and foremost: Messy hair, Don’t Care

The important thing about healing is that you learn to be open about your feelings... here’s a poem I wrote a while back... I’m not ashamed to write about REAL LIFE, REAL FEELINGS...

My heart feels tired and it needs a break

A break from the hurt, the pain and the constant hate 

I need time to heal, time to build myself up 

I got broken down to the point of no love

Thats where im at . 

I got no faith, no love, no hope

Everything stripped from me and I gave it all

Once again, I gave it all

After this there’s nothing left of me 

Nothing left to give 

Stripped down to just my humility and my low self esteem

See through like a window but reflective like a mirror

A window you can't break and a mirror you look into. 

Crazy , Psycho, but we all got our issue.

You can try to hide it but you also have a mirror.

Fool the world into thinking you’re something you’re not

But at the end, there’s no one left and you’re all you’ve got

And if you’re not happy with that 

then you just found your worst enemy

I know cus myself never been a friend to me

I am my worst bestest best frenemy




I have learned to love me for me regardless of what others have done to not love me... 

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